The ARPS is the middle distinction in the RPS, it sits between LRPS and FRPS. To be successful with the ARPS you need to produce a panel of 15 images that sit together (ie 15 Rembrandts, not 14 Rembrandts and a Van Gogh!!). The panel needs to demonstrate something, so a statement of intent is submitted. This statement is an explanation of WHY you produced the panel and what it demonstrates. Apart from the images matching the statement of intent, the standard of presentation needs to be of a good standard. The ARPS can be in one of several categories, which have since changed. My ARPS was in Fine Art.

The images below is my ARPS offering which was successful in March 1918.

My statement of intent was:

ARPS Fine Art assessment

14TH march 2018

Statement of intent


This panel is my own interpretation and representation of my sea  shell collection.  Sea shells, often colourful, are in fact complex objects, even the apparently plain ones. The inspiration for my interpretation has two sources. The first is my old geology text books which demonstrated shells often including cross sections, showing their complex architecture. The second is my vision which has been developed due to being an amateur photographer and professional radiographer for over 30 years. This has taught me to appreciate the exterior of objects and see beyond the exterior into the interior and hidden structures. The combination of my inspirations is this panel which I entitled  “ my Seashell collection –an alternative view”

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