Covid 19 Project


 Covid 19 Project 

When the Covid Pandemic struck like most front line NHS staff we knew we were in for and interesting time. My staff were split into small groups that worked opposite each other to reduce the chance of infection taking out the whole department. For me it was difficult being separated from most of my staff at such a dangerous time. 

I decided to do a photographic dairy which was shot during April and May 2020. I told my staff that they would forget much so i recorded as much as I could and a year and a half down the line i can see how memories fade. The project was done following rules. I photographed only my staff. I only took pictures when i wasn t needed clinically, and this was done with care to ensure myself or my gear wasn t contaminated. I did not include other staff groups. I did not include patients. I have seen many Covid panels that have seriously ill patients. My view was that patients were their for our help, they deserved better than to have their photo taken at the moment of extreme torment. I do not need  photo to remind me of those sights. 

Looking at my images, only some are on display here prevokes some real emotion that only those that have experienced teamwork in dangerous times could feel. One of my images was chosen for the Duchess of Cambridges "Hold Still" exhibition in the National Portrait Gallery. To me though that image reminds me of the moment i found a much liked colleague alive and well after not seeing them for many weeks. 
