The Distinction of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. (DPAGB) 

The DPAGB is the intermediate level distinction from the PAGB. The standard for the DPAGB is described by the PAGB as good enough to get acceptance in an international salon, which is quite an open statement. To be eligible for the DPAGB you need to be a member of a Club who is affiliated to a regional federation. In my case i was a member of Ashford Photographic Society who was affiliated with the Kent County Photographic Association. You next need to have been a club member for at least three years and actively participated within the activities of that club. To apply you need to get your application form signed by a club officer and the federation distinctions officer. You can be submit PDI images or Prints, I went down the print route. Your submission is ten images either by print or PDI. You can enter absolutely any image. The images you submit are mixed up with other applicants and assessed by a panel of 6 judges who can award your image between 1 and 5, with 4 meaning you hit the standard, and 3 as a near miss. There is a maximum of 450 points that can be awarded, to be successful in gaining the DPAGB you need to score a total in excess of 300. It means you need to average a score of 20 per image. I was awarded my DPAGB with a score of 309 in 2021. Unlike the RPS distinctions, the PAGB distinctions are permanent. 

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