The Licentiatship of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS)

The LRPS is the first of the distinctions that the society offers. To be successful at LRPS you must produce a panel of 10 images that not only work together, but each image must be technically sound. There is no statement of intent for this distinction, however the panel must contain a mixture of images that demonstrate that you are in control of your camera. So you often find panels containing macro, sport, long exposure, shallow depth of field and varying light conditions. I obtained my LRPS in 2015, for me it was the hardest because I am a person who looks to home in on detail and I found the open nature of the choice of subject left me like a rabbit in headlights. I got my LRPS on the third attempt, and that was only after i decided to pick a subject and then show different techniques. 

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